Flatpack2 - Solar Autonomous power core
The power core has integrated battery distribution, DC load distribution, solar chargers with PV connection panel. The power core is flexible and can easily be upgraded to meet changing demands.
Solar Autonomous site is powered from PV panels and with a combination of cycling batteries supply all required power during the whole day.
Key features
- Complete system
- Smartpack2 Touch controller
- Advanced control and monitoring through ethernet port
- HE FP2 solar with MPPT
- Max PV capacity 24kw
- PV connection panel with DC SPD (option)
- Hot pluggable modules
- 19”/4U distribution chassis
- Up to 8x battery breaker positions
- Up to 18x load breakers positions
- LVLD2 (optional)
- Global approvals
Want to buy contact on Whatsapp:+8613928495377 or Wechat:13267161104